Full Line Of Roadside Assistance And Towing

When it comes to towing, Nokomis has many choices, but Johnson's Towing of Venice is the best choice. We offer a full line of roadside assistance and towing for your broken down vehicle. We’ve been in business for 18 years. Our dedicated staff tows cars, trucks, and tag along trailers with or without boat loads. Our flatbed towing trailers are available for maximum length. We also offer jump starts, winch outs, tire changes, and specialized recovery, which includes water rescue on boat ramps, retention ponds, and canals.
Johnson's Towing of Venice is on Facebook, Google Plus, and Twitter, so visit our pages to see what we’re up to. We also keep customers up to date on auto industry news through our blog.
We have Hine’s Collision Center alongside our facilities so you can tow and repair all at one location. If you’ve been in an accident, we will help you restore your car to good as new again.